The Latest at Emmanuel:
Our Sunday School Potluck Dinner and Matchbox Car Races will be held Sunday, February 16 after our second worship service. Everyone is welcome to bring a dish to share and cheer your favorite racers!
Our 125th Anniversary Celebrations continue this year! We were officially organized on Christmas Eve of 1899; we observed that date in our Christmas Eve service. This year we will hold special celebrations at the end of June for our Dedication Anniversary, at the beginning of October for our Mission Festival, and at the end of October for Reformation.
If you have any contact information for former members among your family and friends, please give it to Pastor Wilde. We want to invite as many as possible to join in thanksgiving to God for all His blessings.
A Door Offering will be gathered the first Sundays of March and April for our Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society. Our Spring Rally will be held Saturday, April 26 at St. Paul’s, Wisconsin Rapids; all women of our congregation are welcome to attend.
Altar and Cleaning Volunteers are welcome. Please sign up on the lists on the bulletin board in our kitchen. You don’t have to be a member of our Ladies’ Aid (nor even a lady!) to volunteer; all are appreciated.
Northland Lutheran High School News:
Over the last few years Northland has grown from 63 students to 83 to 111 to 123! With these blessings come even more opportunities for students and ministry. In the past year alone, we’ve been able to add Architectural Design and Accounting 2 (both for college credit) as well as Cross Country, Golf, and Drama. We’ve also welcomed new students and families into the Northland family and God’s family.
With these blessings also comes need for space. The Long Range Planning Committee shared with the NLHS Board of Directors the urgency of a building addition as early as 2026-2027. The woods west of the softball and baseball fields have been cleared to prep the land.
Our debt was once $3,500,000 and now is officially under our $500,000 goal for the end of 2024. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Thank you to all who have been able to serve the Lord through their gifts toward removing old debt!
Northland invites you to participate at their Lent/Easter concert on Sunday, March 16 at 3:00 p.m. We will sing “Go to Dark Gethsemane”; a copy is available from your pastor. If you are interested, please send Debbie Price, NLHS choral director, an email at or call the school office at 715-359-3400. There will be area rehearsals as needed. Please contact the email or phone number above for more information.
Does anyone have space to store our canoes from winter through the summer? We use the canoes in the fall for PE and would like to keep them out of the elements.
Does anyone have expertise in insulating/building walls? Another next step for our building is to insulate the gym.