Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Stratford, Wisconsin
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Emmanuel's Fall Schedule Resumes in September!

Our Fall/Winter/Spring Worship Schedule will resume Sunday, September 8th, with worship services at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. and Sunday School and Catechism Class at 9:10 a.m. Our last Thursday evening service will be August 29th.

Ladies' Aid will resume Thursday, September 5 at 6:00 p.m., and meet the first Thursday of each month through May.

Pastors' Circuit Meetings are held monthly in September and then November through April, usually the first Monday of the month, but a week later in September to avoid the Labor Day holiday. Our pastors' conference meets the first Monday and Tuesday of October and of May.

Our Mission Festival will be celebrated the first Sunday of October, the 6th, with a single Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. followed by dinner. Sunday School will meet at its usual time of 9:10 a.m. Our guest preacher will be Pastor James Pope, who serves as editor of Forward in Christ.

Our Fall Lutheran Women's Missionary Society Rally will be held Saturday, October 12 from 8:00 a.m. to noon at St. John's, Christie. The guest speaker will be Pastor Frederic Berger of the Kronenwetter mission church. We will gather a door offering next Sunday and on the first Sunday of October.

The 16th Annual Men's Retreat organized by Twin Cities area WELS churches will take place September 20-22 at Camp Croix in Danbury WI, just a little over two hours northeast of the Twin Cities. This year's theme is "Refuge in Times of Calamity: Lessons from Joel," led by Martin Luther College Prof. Tom Nass. Register at www.mensretreat.org. Questions regarding Camp Croix? Call Keith at 218-341-2119. Questions regarding the retreat? Call Clay at 651-231-3237.

Emmanuel's 125th Anniversary: Our congregation was officially organized on December 24, 1899. Our Ladies' Aid and Church Council have discussed some initial ideas to celebrate next summer: contact former members, plan a celebration service and dinner, and perhaps publish a pictorial directory, as we did for our 75th and 100th anniversaries.

Northland Lutheran High School News:

Matching Funds Gift: Northland's $25,000 gift for debt reduction has been matched! Praise God! Now, we only have $8,603 left to go to get the total debt under $1M. This is incredible. Let's pray for Christ to compel hearts to quickly eliminate the old debt all together, and to continue to move from surviving to thriving.

Mission Church: Pastor Fred Berger has accepted the call to serve the new mission in Kronenwetter. He and his family will move into the area sometime around the start of the school year. The installation service will be at Northland on Sunday, September 15 at 4:00 p.m. A potluck meal will follow. Everyone is invited!

The 5k Run/Walk Is Back! Join us on the Saturday of Homecoming week, September 28, for a chance to run or walk with family, friends, and alumni through the streets of Kronenwetter. Cost is $25 for an individual or $75 for a full family. Use the link on our website to sign up. Go Wildcats! 

Volunteers Are Needed for Our Fall Sports Events: You can help by running the scoreboard, recording game statistics, and working concessions. Please look at the schedule and register from a link on our website.
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