Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church
Stratford, Wisconsin
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The Latest at Emmanuel:

Emmanuel’s 125th Anniversary:  Our congregation was officially organized on December 24, 1899. Our Ladies’ Aid and Church Council have discussed some initial ideas to celebrate next summer: contact former members, plan a celebration service and dinner, and perhaps publish a pictorial directory, as we did for our 75th and 100th anniversaries.
   If you would like to help organize our celebration by serving on our 125th Anniversary Committee, please sign up on the list on the table in our entry.  Our committee will meet Wednesday, October 30 at 6:30 p.m.

A Reformation Pot Luck Lunch will be hosted by our Sunday School on Sunday, October 27 after our second worship service. Pumpkin decorating and other activities will follow the lunch. Everyone is welcome!

A Women’s Games Night will be hosted by our Ladies’ Aid on Thursday, November 7 at 6:30 p.m. All women of our congregation are welcome, along with any guests you’d like to invite.

Advent by Candlelight:  Women of area WELS congregations are invited to join us on Sunday, December 1 at 2:00 p.m. at the Rembs Celebration Center (250 S. Oak Ave., Marshfield). This event is sponsored by the Trinity Sisters of Trinity Lutheran Church, Marshfield. Indulge in warm beverages, snacks and sweet treats as we light the Advent candles and reflect. Reservations can be made by contacting LuAnn Jauregui @ 715-384-5657 by November 10th. Please contact LuAnn with any food allergies/dietary restrictions and additional inquires.
   We will collect donations for the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Food Pantry. A list of items will be made available in November.

WELS Lutherans for Life (WLFL) is eligible to receive donations through the United Way “Donor Choice” program. United Way corporate campaigns begin in August and September. If your employer participates in the United Way campaign, there is a write-in option. Employees and employers can designate WELS Lutherans for Life, Metro-Milwaukee as their recipient. Simply enter “WELS Lutherans for Life, Metro-Milwaukee” in the donor choice space provided. WLFL is a 501(c)(3) organization eligible to receive your donation. EIN 39-1436085. To learn more, visit www.ALife2.com/how-to-help/invest/united-way.html,or contact us at Contact@ALife2.com or 414-727-8176 with any questions or inquiries.

As a 501(c)(3) social service charitable agency, Wisconsin Lutheran Child & Family Service (Christian Family Solutions) is one of these choices to consider. Last year, dozens of United Way and other workplace giving programs throughout the United States allowed donations to be designated to CFS through the donor option program. Through this option, donors can be confident that their funds will support organizations and causes that closely align to their own Christian values.

Northland Lutheran High School News:

We pray God’s people see the opportunity to be part of something BIG for Him.  In 2016 Northland had no bank debt but owed $3.5 million in private notes. Since then private note holders have donated some or all of their notes, while others have given financial gifts, donations of stock, insurance, vehicles and other creative gifts to meet our goal of dropping the debt below $1 million. Our debt is currently $922, 123. Our 2024 year’s end goal is to reduce it to $734,323, which pays off all private notes due in 2024.
    Our enrollment of 123 has doubled in the last three years. We will soon need more classroom, storage, locker room, and gym space, more restrooms, and upgrades to our building and in-class resources. In all things, we stay committed to God and His Word. To Him be the glory!

Volunteers Are Needed for Our Fall Sports Events: You can help by running the scoreboard, recording game statistics, and working concessions. Please look at the schedule and register from a link on our website.
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